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The Commandments of the Knights of Virtue

Thou shalt not run. 

You should never run from combat, be that 1on1 combat, or in a raid.

Thou shalt not trash.

You should never insult, belittle, laugh at other people. It's bad taste. However fun you may think it might be, we have a reputation of respect.

Thou shalt not be disloyal.

You should always be loyal to the clan, never join another clan or do anything that might seem disloyal. 

Thou shalt not be disrespectful.

You shall remember that KOV has a legacy of respect, and we are strict on this. You shall treat all others with respect, even if they seem inferior to you.

Thou shall respect the COC.

COC, or Chain of Command, is an important aspect in any organisation. Those who are given leadership roles should be listened to, not because they are better than you, or whatever you may come up with, because a clan works far better when everyone follows orders, we look better as a whole and we gain respect as a force.

KOV punishment is mainly the same as other clans, however we do have a different way of dealing with ''Disrespect'' usually it is up to the initiative of the person in charge at the time, but generally ''Apology or we throw you out'' is our main punishment, however disloyalty is often an instant ban. We are pretty soft on newcomers so don't be frightened, however those who know better will receive no mercy.

© Knights of Virtue (KOV) 2001-TodayKOV INVICTA. 2002-2014.