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(The Legio System)

The Legio system works like this:

Depending on what Legion you are in, you must wear a shield resembling the Legio's battle standard. For Legio I for example, it is a red shield with a black eagle. Promotions are done within each group: for example: Decanus promotes his/her Contubernium, Centurions promote/exchange Decanus and their Optio.

Decimation is the process of punishment of those who have failed to perform well in raids. The members form a line, those that did not do well are taken from it, and decimated. The decimation goes like this: The members step out of line, go green, and are stripped of their tags. After which they are beaten to death by their clan-mates. They rejoin the line and resume their tags.


  • The most basic sub group is the Contubernium.

Everyone is split into Contubernium (Groups of 6) lead by an Decanus (Officer). The Contubernium's job is to organize members into groups, with their own officer to look to for help. Those officers are intelligent, experienced people, and their job is to look after their Contubernium on and off the battlefield. On the battlefield, Contubernium split up into Maniples (Kill groups), the Decanus or senior soldier gives the orders to the Contubernium for targets, and looks after them during raids. Off the battlefield, those Contubernium act as recruitment and training groups, where the officer or senior soldier teaches them skills in PVP and raids, recruits new members, etc. Contubernium do everything together.


  • The second sub group is the Centuria.

Centuria are groups of two Contubernium. Those two Contubernium follow the Centurion's orders. In raids, a Centurion watches over the Contubernium and makes them work together as a cohesive unit, much like a general. Out of raids, a Centurion is given orders by the Legatus to perform certain large scale tasks, such as mass recruitment, raid training, etc.

  • The final subgroup is the Legio's administration. 

In this administration there are two main officers. The Legatus, of course, which presides command over the entire legion. The Adjutant, which assists in tasks, and often takes over when the Legatus isn't there.

The Legionary Ranks
Officer ranks:
- Leads a Legio  -(L)-
Assist: (Adjutant)  -(AJ)-

Centurion - Leads a Centuria (2 Contubernium)   -(CN)-
Assist: (Optio)

Decanus - leads a Contubernium (a group of 6 people)   -(DN)-
Assist: (Signifer) -(SN)-

Army ranks:

Aquilifer - carried the legionary eagle.  -(AQ)-
Immortal - Praetorians who have become immortal are the finest in KOV at raids. Death means instant demotion.   -(IM/Immortal)-
Praetorian - Elite in raids, professional soldier. -(PT)-
Evocatus - reserved for those with Exemplary long service to KOV.  -(EV)-
Legionary - a fully trained, functional, Mature professional soldier.  -(LG)-
Triarii - A senior soldier, a nearly professional soldier. Skilled, highly trained, but lacks that smooth, clean soldiering that the Legionary has. -(TR)-
Princeps - A well trained, effective fighter, lacks the maturity of the Triarii, needs longer service. -(PN)-
Hastatus - Have had good training, understand orders, and are showing promise. -(HT)-
Rorarii - A trained and diciplined soldier. -(RR)-
Miles - The basic private level foot soldier in KOV (Still cannot follow orders correctly) -(ML)-



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