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Lord Sovereign is the leader of our clan, and has been for a great many years. Sovereign is an intelligent, calculating, and careful individual by nature. He may seem slightly intimidating at first, but when you have earned his trust you will find no truer friend in all of Sherwood. Sovereign is a staunch defender of the honor of the Knights of Virtue as well as the honor of his members and friends. He tolerates no disrespect between clan members, and has an uncanny talent for rooting out disloyal members and removing them in order to preserve the integrity of KOV as a whole. I have been by Sovereign’s side for many years in KOV, and he has managed to consistently impress me with his treatment of every true and loyal member of the clan. He treats everyone with equal fairness, gives credit where it is due, and does all he can to make sure each and every member feels valuable and welcomed within our ranks. At the end of the day, there is no leader in all of Sherwood that I would rather serve under. ~ Crain

© Knights of Virtue (KOV) 2001-TodayKOV INVICTA. 2002-2014.