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The history of the Knights of Virtue

  • (Told by Razor, also known as Sovereign)

    KOV in Temples. (Sherwood Beta)

    The first most important thing about this period is you have to remember I was a child. I was only 12 when I started playing sherwood, and by no means was I taking it seriously. I may not remember everything, and at times I may not remember anything at all.

    I remember logging in for the first time in this period. I was a kid and I didn't really take the game that seriously, I was like ''WOAH COOL, GAME!'' Honestly guys, don't expect much. I jerked around, did random shit, explored the map, found myself my first weapon, which was an axe, by my luck. In one of those structures scattered over in there. I later found out that was the WORST weapon to pick.

Among all this randomness someone called out to me. He said "You want to be KOV?'' I was like... ''wats that?'' He said ''Knights of Virtue, we're a group of Knights'' And I finally got it... I said ''OMG YEAH... but where r the rest of u?'' They weren't online. Tiberius (The name of the founder) Was a noob himself. 2 other people joined. I ran around with Tiberius for a few weeks. Much fun was had. I left KOV a couple times and join other clans, then came back to KOV... Yeah I was a real idiot. Tiberius spoke alot to me, about my life, and personal things, I knew him as a great friend. I ended up becoming a high rank in KOV but the clan never grew by that much, there was at least one person online most of the time but, most of the time it was Tiberius.

Tiberius finally quit sometime in 2002. I was the last remaining member... but I had experienced so much, and Tiberius trusted me to keep it going, so I tried. But I ultimately failed. I abandoned KOV.


  • KOV in Classic. (Old Sherwood)

Aha this is were it starts getting fun. KOV is dead. I'm alone. By this time I adopted the name ''Razor'' †÷×Rãzør×÷† the range of alts you could use were much larger, so you had people with some pretty tricked out names. I met some really awesome guys back then like (Mostly the BK crew, Blood Knights) Nightwolf, Regis... Blondegirl too but let's be honest, EVERYONE knew BlondeGal. There were other clans too. Like Saints (Because of Draco, mainly) SW, Soul Warriors. Exile's first clan, lead by Suffer. LW, Legendary Warriors, lead by KillJoy, ChatteNoir was a notable member, she and I talked a bit. HK, Holy Knights. RDK, Royal Dutch Knights (A dutch clan.)

  • KOV in Early Dungeons (1st Generation)

    This is the greatest time, and the one I have to say the most about. I remade KOV in this time, on the server Ruby. KOV was a great clan to me and it felt like it was MY clan, my heart belonged to it, like an old lover. I fell in love with the ideas of morality and strict discipline. With a touch of spartan humor. I have to say if I never remade KOV in the beginning I may not have ever played after classic died. I started recruiting, notable members were: GaiKing, Bassett, Hammer, Crain, Savage, BeELITE, Amore, Doll (It could have been BabyDoll), Cavanough, ROME, Tiger, Penguine, Tunis, and many more. Clans at that time were TAS (The Ambush Soldiers), AOK (Army of Kings), AOH (Can't remember tbh) RDS (Royal Dutch Soldiers) (I don't understand the name change, but they were the remake of RDK.), (V) (300 Spartans).

    In Sapphire (The only other active server) You had to my knowledge;  BW (Black Warriors), KO (Knights of Old), DH (Dream Haunters)... and that's about as much as I can remember.

    Wars we had:
    The TAS/KOV vs AOK war. TAS and AOK had been friendly enemies for a long time. But that all shattered with KOV. Because of Cj, I had a personal dislike for AOK. The war tipped in AOK's favor for most of the time, we were beaten pretty badly. Cj and Arod personally hacked our base, booting our members over and over. I remember Cj speaking a rap before he booted the room. It was cyber bullying, with rediculous people. AOK was a terrible clan. But KOV endured, as we always have. Finally in some unknown event, Arod left AOK. Cj took command, and started kicking all the noobs. AOK died shortly after... Never give Cj a clan. TAS died shortly after too, with Shane getting inactive and finally quitting. KOV Dominated Ruby for a long time. 

    The KOV/EcX/(V) vs AOH war. The creation of other clans, and activity rising in room1, things started getting hot in ruby, KOV dominance was finally disputed. AOH had the majorty of the Dutch population inside it, and was basically enormous. Getting your room filled with AOH was a given. It was lead by LeaderAOH (There is alot of speculation that he might be related to Apollo) And Hector (Who I think actually IS Apollo) Anyway the wars picked up, and it was basically a war of Quality vs Quantity. AOH had the numbers, but no training. They died like flies, but we didn't have scores back then, so it didn't matter, they just kept coming and coming, wave after wave. Me and Hector fought in 68, Hector saying he was better than all his enemies on his own. I was in my prime as a fighter, defeating enemies like Exile and Arod, the best of the day. Needless to the say I won the duel, and all the rematches. Hector got SO hurt, he quit sherwood... For a day. The next day he was back, bright and perky, ready to ''Destroy KOV'' The war finally ended with AOH losing activity and finally collapsing, with LeaderAOH quitting.


  • There was peace in Ruby for a long time, untill EcX and (V) turned on KOV, over some dispute over members, I think. 

    KOV vs EcX/(V)/PoW

    EcX broke the alliance with KOV, (V) allied PoW, and EcX allied them too. With their alliances, one could say there was really no-one else who could challenge them, war was inevitable. At first, this Coalition utterly smashed KOV. We were broken, members left, and we were generally suffering badly, but we made a comeback, with many victories against EcX when PoW and (V) weren't online. Finally the final battle took place at EcX base. We thought they wouldn't show up, but (V) and PoW showed up as well. When they came we started losing, but we somehow were able to start winning, with reinforcements (Including some outside help, friends of KOV) In the end, the battle was won. Straight after the battle, KOV recruited many EcX, (V), and PoW members.

    KOV vs BA/PM 

    The final battle for rulership of Ruby.

    Two new clans were created: BA (Blue Angels) and PM (Pure Massacre) 

    PM was even larger than KOV at this time, BA had many dutch members, and even recruited some of the less reputable english players. It started as a trash war, with PM and BA saying ''KOV is dead'' when I said it was alive they said ''Well it should be'' So I answered with a raid, called all my inactives and gathered everyone I could. I said this would be the final war, and I am certain it wasn't. But that rallied KOV together and we raided them constantly for days. When we couldn't raid I went to their bases and defeated their best fighters. BA ran to emerald. PM signed a peace treaty with KOV, and promised to stop trashing. And peace was finally back again. It was at this time I took Arod's title as ''King of Ruby'' (A kind of ego title, being the best fighter/leader in ruby).

    KOV After Ruby. (Sherwood Dungeons, Late.)

    After the fall of Ruby, and in extention, KOV, members of KOV scattered to the winds, including myself. I lead many different clans, second to many of the great leaders. I was under IronMaiden, and I created the roman reforms of CTK, and instituted great changes in CTK. In essence, it might even be fair to say I could even remake the REAL CTK right now, and fight some strange civil war with the current remake. But that's just too bizzare for me. But more about CTK later. As for now let's talk about KOV's 3rd remake.

    As KOV was just but a memory, Razor stood in the room of IVD, a new clan. This is where I met many of the people who are now my greatest and most loyal friends. The old KOV long gone were no-where to be seen. I was given the rank of Emperor. A meaningless title, since I knew that it meant nothing. 

    As time went by, I started remembering KOV, and I wished to change IVD into something of my own liking. I talked to the leaders, I spoke with the members. I became good friends with many, enemies to some. In the end I chose to desire power. The leaders of IVD refused to change and did not accept any proposals from it's members nor me. It was obvious this was not an open discussion. And then began the Revolution. IVD gathered in with me, StarChild, Providence and Shana, among others. And we spoke of restoring KOV, a clan that was only talked about in rumors. Rebuilding a great clan with a group of friends was a great idea. And I was an old KOV member myself, well capable of restoring it. So... we took over. The IVD leader was forced out, and KOV was on the block. A new site was built. This site that still stands today. And we began recruiting.

    After a while we were joined with RT, another clan from a close room. The greatest member from this clan is Doraimod, also known as Chemistry. 

    Notable members that joined us were: Chickadee, BabyFang, FightingANGEL, Gaby, Xuarez.

    We had become a powerhouse of force in this late era. Many wars were fought with various clans. Eventually this gave way to a not-so-new face, asking us for help. BW. 

    KOV/BW Merge. (BK)

    At this time, I had just begun under my new name, Sovereign. Maniau and Caesar spoke to me. They desired an alliance, to ward off their many enemies, and their inactivity was about the cause their collapse. But I offered one better. What if KOV moved in with BW and helped them get their activity back? Would that help? BW agreed quickly. But discussions continued, of a merge. I agreed, I wanted to see BW back. I wanted to see two great old clans joined together. 

    But things went terribly wrong. BW had regained their activity, and several arguements between me and Caesar, and tensions rising with the Now-Strong BW was looking like it would erupt into total war. It was stalled by the ending of the co-chiefdom of me and Caesar. Maniau took chief to deny the power struggle. It helped. 

    War was already brewing, things were too hot and it couldn't go any further. And little did we know BW members were already plotting behind the scenes to take over, and claim a BW empire instead of BK empire. However things didn't work quite as well, the BW, armed and ready for war, realised one important thing... KOV would never give up their freedom by force. KOV was forced out, and the war sparked.

    The first skirmishes were one-sided. BW had grown huge, feeding off the activity KOV had given them. It was inevitable that things would eventually lead to KOV's total defeat. But somehow we did it. The first victory sprouted from defeat, and then another, and another... But then disaster struck.


    One of the first clans to become part of KOV was IronMaiden's CTK. (Chamber of Torture Kings, not to be confused with the modern remake) BabyFang was considered the last of the CTK still remaining in KOV during the wars with BW. During this terrible conflict, BabyFang had hatched a plan (Along with some convincing from BW) to create his own clan, and bring all his friends from KOV with him. And BabyFang was everyone's friend. Friend to everyone, friend to no-one. That is the kind of person BabyFang is. This happened so fast no-one really saw it coming. It seemed to be in the making for a long time, as many KOV switched sides with Fang instantly. The main members who followed Fang were: FightingANGEL, Chickadee and Providence. With no provokation, the war had already begun. I tried to bring them all back, but it was simply impossible. They began to strike down their brothers, trashing had begun, and the once mighty KOV had become a battlefield of words and swords. BW came in as well to clean up the remaining KOV, and made a swift alliance with the new CTK. The battle was over. KOV was dying, the loyalists could no longer challenge CTK or BW. 

    KOV retreated to a custom base, and began raising their forces. Peace with CTK was somehow negotiated, but KOV still cried out for justice on the traitors. In the end, we finally started growing again, new members were trained, great reforms were done. KOV was now far more strict, far more unforgiving, and completely bloodlusting. BabyFang had singlehandedly nearly destroyed KOV and made his own dominant clan from eating it's remains. CTK was making a dash to the top place, and BW seeing their best weapon now becoming a threat, entered war with them.

    KOV was at peace, but it was by no means enjoying it. Bitter from it's many defeats and injustices, we trained madly, newbies and some old players who remembered our name were the only ones who would join us. Notable members were Sierrax and Ravager. These people helped the draconian Legionary tactics and training become sucessful, and we had created an army from thin air. We did NOT take from others, we did NOT change our ways, we did NOT falter in our loyalties. We built again, and we challenged our former brothers again. Many battles were fought, most of them were lost in the beginning... it was terrible. We did not stand a chance against an army KOV had once called it's own. But we gained experience, and the longer we fought, the better we got, and finally, CTK's winning streak crumbled to ashes. Our time of victory was finally coming. Battles were won, the trashing never stopped though. BW was dying again, but CTK had a far worse problem to face... their former clanmates were back for revenge. 

    KOV's Exodus. 

    At the time, CTK and BW were becoming inactive, and the wars were all beginning to dwindle, there were no recruits, there were no more discussions... people were all leaving for summer vacations, and most of them were due to be back soon. KOV sat down and took a vote. KOV will become great again on another game, was what was decided. The vote being a vast majority. And so we left. 


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© Knights of Virtue (KOV) 2001-TodayKOV INVICTA. 2002-2014.